Journal of Science and Technology - IUH Journal of Science and Technology - Industrial University of HCMC jst-iuh en-US Journal of Science and Technology - IUH 2525-2267 RESTORE THE SOURCE FUNCTION FOR THE FRACTIONAL DIFFUSION EQUATION WITH RANDOM NOISE <p>In this article we consider the problem of finding the source function of the fractional diffusion equation <img src=""> . Here we consider fractional derivatives in the Conformable sense. The input data is assumed to follow the Gassian white noise model. This problem is ill-posed in the Hadamard sense. Using the non-parametric estimation method and the Tikhonov regularization method, we establish the regularization solution and also estimate the error.</p> NGÔ NGỌC HƯNG NGUYỄN ĐỨC PHƯƠNG* Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Science and Technology - IUH 2024-08-06 2024-08-06 69 03 10.46242/jstiuh.v69i03.5111 RESEARCH OF THE ALGEBRAIC STRUCTURE OF REPEATED-ROOT CYCLIC AND NEGACYCLIC CODE WITH LENGTH 9P^s <p><img src=""></p> NGUYỄN THỊ THU HÀ LÊ HOÀNG NHUẬN Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Science and Technology - IUH 2024-08-06 2024-08-06 69 03 10.46242/jstiuh.v69i03.5114 MODELS OF STRUCTURAL RELAXATION IN METALLIC GLASSES <p>The article presents an overview of several theoretical models of the structural relaxation in metallic glasses: free volume model, activation energy model and directional structural relaxation model; points out the advantages and disadvantages of these models and the complex problems that exist in studying of structural relaxation. This is an unexpected process that limits the range of applications of metallic glasses, materials with superior properties that promise a lot of potential applications in the future.</p> NGUYỄN THỊ NGỌC NỮ TRẦN VĂN LƯỢNG Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Science and Technology - IUH 2024-08-06 2024-08-06 69 03 STUDYING THE SQUEEZING PROPERTIES OF EXCITONS IN THE EVEN AND ODD COHERENT STATES BY THE MECHANISM OF ADDING POLARITON IN SEMICONDUCTOR <p>This paper studies the exciton squeezing properties in the even and odd coherent states by the mechanism of adding polariton. The process of investigating the squeezing effect is based on the squeezed exciton mechanism that does not require a high excitation level. This mechanism is based on the interaction between exciton, photon standards and a two-photon-level impurity atom in a straight bandgap semiconductor. The important point is that the atom must be in an excited state initially, so that when the atom moves from the excited state to the ground state, more photons will be emitted into the interacting system and the exciton squeezing will be stronger. The exciton squeezing more strongly the greater the initial coherence of the photon-exciton. In both even and odd coherent states, it can be seen that the orthogonal amplitude squeezed coefficient depends not only on parameters such as: the ratio of the photon's energy to the exciton's energy, coherence amplitude, but also depends on the number of photons.</p> ĐẶNG HỮU ĐỊNH TRẦN MINH PHÚC Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Science and Technology - IUH 2024-08-06 2024-08-06 69 03 10.46242/jstiuh.v69i03.5127 NUMERICAL MENTHOD FOR LAYERD CYLINDRICAL CONFIGURATION <p>For the purpose of investigating the physical processes of atomic and molecular systems placed in mediums, we consider a system of layered cylindrical structure. The Green function of cylindrical system is also more complicated then the one of spherical or planar system. It makes calculating the Green function of system more difficult because the Green function has an infinite sum of n-modes and an integral over the entire wave number. The process of numerical calculations requires handling arithmetic over- and under-flow of bessel and hankel functions of complex variables when variables and/or the order of functions are large. In addition, the expression of Green function has the C<sub>i</sub>. These coefficients can approach the limit 0/0 or infinity/infinity, it making numerical calculations impossible. In this article, we propose the proceduce to transform T<sub>i</sub> matrices in the recurrence-matrices relation to eliminate 0/0 and infinity/infinity forms of coefficients C<sub>i</sub>. By doing so, it makes the values of the T<sub>i</sub>-matrices no longer the same as their original values but the final result does not change the Green function of system. These transforms are general for any N-layers of cylindrical configuration.</p> TRẦN MINH HIẾN Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Science and Technology - IUH 2024-08-06 2024-08-06 69 03 10.46242/jstiuh.v69i03.5131 THE VERDICT OF THE COURT THAT THE DEFENDANT BE NOT GUILTY THROUGH THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE CRIMINAL PROCEDURES CODE 2015 AMENDED AND SUPPLEMENTED IN 2021 <p>In crime prevention, Vietnam's criminal procedural agencies carrying out investigation, prosecution and trial activities have basically ensured to figure out the right people, the right crimes and the right law. However, there are still situations where the Court finds the accused not guilty of the crime during the trial of the criminal case; There are many reasons for such situation: due to procedural violations or serious violations in the application of criminal law at the stage of prosecution, investigation and prosecution, leading to wrongdoing, wrongdoing, serious cases, causing public outrage; There are cases arising from the trial activities of the Court that have judged and assessed incomprehensively and inappropriately the objective evidentiary material of the case; in many cases, due to changes in legal policies by the State, the act does not constitute a crime; In addition, there are also reasons that there exist a number of overlapping and conflicting provisions between legal documents governing the same issue or incoherent regulations, leading to different interpretations and applications of the law, causing many difficulties in law enforcement in practice.</p> <p>This article is part of a school-level scientific research topic and aims to evaluate the situation to identify common violations, clarify the causes of the situation of criminal cases. The court has acquitted the accused, from which some recommendations for appropriate solutions will be made to contribute to ensuring the accurate and lawful handling of crimes and preventing any infringement of human rights and citizens' rights as stipulated by the Constitution.</p> NGUYỄN QUANG ĐẠO* LÊ VĂN THẮNG NGUYỄN THÀNH MINH CHÁNH NGUYỄN THỊ KIM OANH Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Science and Technology - IUH 2024-08-06 2024-08-06 69 03 10.46242/jstiuh.v69i03.5115 PREVENTION OF TORTURE IN THE PROVISIONS OF THE CONSTITUTION AND IMPROVEMENT PROVISION INTERROGATION VIET NAM’S CRIMINAL <p>Human rights and citizens' rights have been one of the important institutions in the Constitution through the ages. This is an inviolable sacred right and is restricted only under certain circumstances. Among those rights, there is the right not to be tortured. In this article, the author analyzes the provision in the Constitution on the right not to be tortured and provides for interrogation of the accused in Viet Nam’s Criminal Procedure. From there, several inadequacies could affect the issue of ensuring the right not to be tortured in criminal proceedings and some recommendations.</p> TRỊNH DUY THUYÊN Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Science and Technology - IUH 2024-08-06 2024-08-06 69 03 10.46242/jstiuh.v69i03.5123 INNOVATION OF LAND MANAGEMENT SYSTEM, EXPANSION OF LAND USUFRUCT RIGHT IN RURAL AREAS OF CHINA AND EXPERIENCES FOR VIETNAM <p>The land management system in China is divided into three categories: agricultural land, land use conversion, and land used for urban purposes. The notable feature of this system is its rural management approach, which is distinct from that of most other countries worldwide and has brought about significant changes in rural areas. However, it has also faced various challenges, necessitating careful consideration of factors related to rural economics and farmers’ rights. By analyzing China’s legal framework for improving rural land management and expanding land use rights, this approach has proven to be effective. Additionally, through a comparison with current Vietnamese laws, the article suggests valuable insights for Vietnam to enhance usufruct rights over land.</p> LÊ MINH HÙNG TRẦN NGỌC TUẤN Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Science and Technology - IUH 2024-08-06 2024-08-06 69 03 10.46242/jstiuh.v69i03.5126 IMPROVE THE EFFICIENCY OF OFFICER RECRUITMENT AT HO CHI MINH CITY INDUSTRIAL UNIVERSITY <p>The article analyzes the current situation of public employee recruitment at Ho Chi Minh City University of Industry. Accordingly, the recruitment mechanism at the University goes through many steps with strict criteria. Therefore, basically in recent years, the recruitment of officials at the University has ensured quantity and quality. However, there still exist some inadequacies in the recruitment of civil servants at Ho Chi Minh City University of Industry. Based on the assessment of the inadequacies and their causes, the article proposes corresponding solutions.</p> LÊ VĂN THẮNG* NGUYỄN THỊ CÚC Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Science and Technology - IUH 2024-08-06 2024-08-06 69 03 10.46242/jstiuh.v69i03.5130 STUDENTS LEVELS OF DEPRESSION, ANXIETY, AND STRESS INDUSTRIAL UNIVERSITY OF HO CHI MINH CITY <p>This study conducts a cross-sectional descriptive survey to find out the level of depression, anxiety and stress of students (school year 2022 - 2023) at the Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City based on questionnaire survey Scale (DASS21). The research results from 818 respondents showed that the proportions of students experiencing depression, anxiety, and stress were 24.2%, 19.4% and 6.8%, respectively, of which, the rate of serious depression accounted for 1.3%, anxiety accounted for 2% and very serious accounted for 1.6% analysis. There were also statistically significant differences among groups of students with different economic backgrounds.</p> <p>These results help the school design appropriate intervention strategies to improve students' mental health, contributing to improving the quality of education and training of the school in the current period.</p> LÊ THỊ HƯƠNG Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Science and Technology - IUH 2024-08-06 2024-08-06 69 03 10.46242/jstiuh.v69i03.5136 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF SEA TOURISM, ISLAND OF THE SOUTH CENTRAL IN THE CONTEXT OF VIETNAM TOURISM INTEGRATING INTO THE ASEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY <p>Sea and island tourism is one of the greatest strengths of the South Central Coast region. With a long coastline, vast territorial waters, many beautiful landscapes, along the coasts are beautiful beaches, gulfs, bays, islands, ... stretching from Hai Van Pass (Da Nang) to Mui Ne (Binh Thuan). Currently, the exploitation of sea and island resources for tourism activities in the region is not really effective and sustainable. Research and propose some appropriate solutions for the sustainable development of sea and island tourism in the region in the context of Vietnam's integration into the ASEAN economic community is necessary. The article uses synthetic and statistical analysis methods to evaluate the current state of sustainable development of sea and island tourism in the region and uses an inductive method to propose solutions for sustainable marine tourism development. islands in the South Central Coast when Vietnam integrates into the ASEAN Economic Community.</p> LÂM THỊ THÚY PHƯỢNG Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Science and Technology - IUH 2024-08-06 2024-08-06 69 03 10.46242/jstiuh.v69i03.5122 IMPROVE CULTURE OF BEHAVIOR WITH THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT IN PRODUCTION IN VIETNAM TODAY <p>Vietnam is in the phase of promoting industrialization, modernization, and developing a socialist-oriented market economy and is facing the situation of natural resource exploitation and environmental pollution taking place in the region. many places across the country, affecting all aspects of social life, leading to environmental pollution and natural resource degradation. The above situation stems from dealing with the environment. Starting from that reality, it is necessary to build a culture of behavior towards the natural environment to contribute to raising awareness and correct social behavior towards the environment in order to protect people's living environment. With that urgency, our group of authors boldly proposes a number of solutions to improve the culture of dealing with the natural environment in production to promote positivity, self-discipline, and creativity in activities. Join hands to protect the environment.</p> PHẠM THỊ LAN TRẦN VĂN KHOÁT ĐOÀN THỊ HỒNG GẤM ĐỖ MINH KHOA Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Science and Technology - IUH 2024-08-06 2024-08-06 69 03 10.46242/jstiuh.v69i03.5132 INHERITING, PROMOTING VIETNAMESE TRADITIONAL CULTURAL VALUES IN THE CONTEXT OF INTERNATIONAL INTEGRATION - CURRENT SITUATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS <p>International integration and cooperation take place more and more deeply, affecting all fields of social life. The traditional cultural values of the Vietnamese people such as patriotism, solidarity, compassion, industriousness ... There are conditions for development but also the risk of being forgotten and lost. Facing that fact, inheriting the positive elements of traditional cultural values to create a strong motivation for the development of the country becomes an urgent requirement. The article analyzes the situation of inheritance and promotion of Vietnamese traditional cultural values in the context of international integration, clarifies achievements and limitations, on the basis of which recommends 04 solutions to inherit and promote the fine traditional cultural values of the Vietnamese people in the context of current international integration.</p> BÙI THỊ HẢO LÊ THỊ HƯƠNG* PHẠM THỊ ÁNH TUYỀN Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Science and Technology - IUH 2024-08-06 2024-08-06 69 03 10.46242/jstiuh.v69i03.5121 CURRENT SITUATION OF INTEREST IN LEARNING POLITICAL THEORY SUBJECTS OF STUDENTS AT HO CHI MINH CITY UNIVERSITY OF INDUSTRY <p>In recent years, at Ho Chi Minh City University of Industry comprehensive innovation in the teaching process of political theory subjects has been implemented and important achievements have been achieved, contribute to improving the school's training quality. Besides, there are also certain limitations that need to be clarified to find solutions to overcome and innovate. Among them, the most notable is the issue of students' interest in learning. Through this article, the author aims to contribute to clarifying the current situation of interest in learning political theory subjects of students at Ho Chi Minh City University of Industry.</p> HỒ VĂN ĐỨC Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Science and Technology - IUH 2024-08-06 2024-08-06 69 03 10.46242/jstiuh.v69i03.5124 SOME SOLUTIONS TO ENHANCE THE QUALITY OF GRASSROOTS POLITICAL SYSTEM IN PRESENT-DAY VIETNAM <p>The grassroots political system encompasses all political institutions such as the Party organization, government, Front, and various mass organizations. The grassroots political system is organized and operates based on specific principles and is inherently interconnected to implement the Party's leadership, the State's governance, and to promote the people's right to self-determination at the local level. In the present-day Vietnam, the grassroots political system plays a crucial role in organizing and mobilizing the people to implement the Party's viewpoints, guidelines, policies, the state's laws, and promoting the people's right to self-determination in fulfilling the local political tasks. In this article, drawing from the Communist Party of Vietnam's general viewpoint, the achievements, and fundamental limitations of the grassroots political system in various documents of the National Party Congresses, Central Committee Conferences during the renewal period, and in studies published by numerous authors, the article proposes some solutions to enhance the quality of the grassroots political system in present-day Vietnam.</p> ĐẶNG THỊ MINH PHƯỢNG Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Science and Technology - IUH 2024-08-06 2024-08-06 69 03 10.46242/jstiuh.v69i03.5120 FROM HO CHI MINH'S REVOLUTIONARY ETHICAL IDEOLOGY TO THE PRACTICALITY OF BUILDING A TRANSPARENT AND STRONG PARTY COMMITTEE AT INDUSTRIAL UNIVERSITY OF HO CHI MINH CITY <p>The ideological legacy of Ho Chi Minh holds immense value for the Vietnamese Communist Party and the nation. Within his comprehensive and profound system of beliefs, spanning from the liberation revolution to socialist revolution, Ho Chi Minh's thoughts on revolutionary ethics represent a profoundly impactful and comprehensive ideology, offering valuable lessons for the current work of constructing and rectifying the Party. This article, "From Ho Chi Minh's Revolutionary Ethical Ideology to the Practicality of Building a transparent and strong Party Committee at Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City," focuses on studying the fundamental content to value of Ho Chi Minh's ideology regarding revolutionary ethics. It examines the practical application of Ho Chi Minh's thoughts on revolutionary ethics within the context of building a genuinely clean and strong organizational structure at the Party Committee of Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City. Additionally, through research, the authors propose several solutions aimed at enhancing the effectiveness of building a clean and strong Party Committee at the university iin the coming years.</p> BÙI THỊ HẢO* TRẦN HOÀNG THIÊN PHÚC Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Science and Technology - IUH 2024-08-06 2024-08-06 69 03 10.46242/jstiuh.v69i03.5134 STUDY AND DEFINE FEMALE STUDENT UNIFORM SIZE SYSTEM OF THE INDUSTRIAL UNIVERSITY OF HO CHI MINH CITY <p>Determining human body size and building a size system is an important basis for designing uniforms in industrial sewing. The size system needs to be periodically updated to meet user needs. Using the biostatistics research method - cross-sectional survey, the project used direct anthropometric measurements of 30 size parameters on the body of 208 female students. Statistical mathematics and R software were used to process the research results. The project has determined that the main sizes are height and chest circumference, proving that the main sizes are normally distributed. Determining the size step is the basis for building a size system, proving that the size divi according to the main size and the chosen size step is appropriate and accurate. The research result is to propose 11 optimal sizes with 4 body shapes and meet 95.19% of the needs for female students, building 28 multiple linear regression equations to determine the secondary sizes with high accuration and erect a size system table for women's student uniforms at Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City, including 11 sizes with four different body shapes.</p> PHẠM THỊ CÚC Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Science and Technology - IUH 2024-08-06 2024-08-06 69 03 10.46242/jstiuh.v69i03.5116 ANALYSIS OF THE TEXTILE STRUCTURE OF SOME COMPRESSION STOCKINGS USED TO PREVENT AND TREAT VARICOSE VEINS <p>In this study, experimental methods were used to analyze and clarify the textile design of 5 types of imported compression socks being sold in the Ho Chi Minh City. Analysis results showed that the sock legs were made in jersey, plain, plated and basic inlaid structure 1+1 (‘bent weft structure’). In plain jersey, the loops are made of polyamide multifilament yarn with a spandex core, plated loops are made by combining polyamide multifilament yarn and polyamide multifilament yarn with spandex core. The yarn installed in the loops of courses is bare spandex yarn. The density of wales is greatest at the ankle position, then gradually decreases towards the calf and thigh positions (the wales density of the calf position is reduced by about 18-25% and that of the thigh position is reduced by about 40-41% compared to that of the ankle position). The density of courses at these positions is not significantly different.</p> HUỲNH VĂN THỨC VŨ THỊ HỒNG KHANH* NGUYỄN THỊ HẰNG Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Science and Technology - IUH 2024-08-06 2024-08-06 69 03 10.46242/jstiuh.v69i03.5125 APPLYING THE SHAPES AND DECORATIVE ELEMENTS OF BAT TRANG CERAMICS IN THE DESIGN OF EVENING CLOTHES <p>The article presents the research results on the shapes and decorative elements of Bat Trang ceramics applied in the design of women's eveningwear. The research team analyzed and carefully selected the shapes and patterns on the porcelain, creatively incorporating them into a collection of elegant, unique, and stylish eveningwear. The details of the garments will be constructed using both 2D pattern drafting and 3D draping techniques. These designs in the collection represent a delicate fusion of traditional and modern art, contributing to the preservation, promotion, and celebration of Vietnam's unique cultural values.</p> NGUYỄN THỊ THU HẰNG NGUYỄN MẬU TÙNG* MAI CẨM TÚ LƯƠNG THỊ TUYẾT HOÀNG THỊ MỶ LÝ Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Science and Technology - IUH 2024-08-06 2024-08-06 69 03 10.46242/jstiuh.v69i03.5129 CULTURAL ESSENCE IN CHAM BROCADE WEAVING <p class="text">This article studies the cultural quintessence expressed through the brocade weaving profession of the Cham people. Through analyzing traditional cultures and weaving processes, the article explores the uniqueness and cultural value of this craft in the Cham community.</p> LÊ THANH HÒA Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Science and Technology - IUH 2024-08-06 2024-08-06 69 03 ON COFINITELY LIFTING MODULES <p>In this paper we define cofinitely lifting module as generalizations of lifting and supplemented modules. In this paper, new characterizations of these modules are obtained and several properties of this module are proved.</p> NGUYEN THI THU HA Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Science and Technology - IUH 2024-08-06 2024-08-06 69 03 10.46242/jstiuh.v69i03.5133